- GSM 代表全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile)GSM是一个开放的,数字蜂窝技术,用于传输移动语音和数据服务。
- GSM的基于单元的移动无线系统在贝尔实验室在20世纪70年代初出现的想法。
- GSM是成立于1982年,以建立欧洲统一的移动电话标准的标准化组织的名称。
- GSM标准是最被广泛接受的标准,并在全球实施。
- GSM是一种电路交换系统,每个200kHz的信道划分成8个25kHz的时间槽。GSM可以工作在900MHz和1.8GHz的频带,在欧洲和美国了1.9GHz和850MHz频段中。
- GSM的使用的窄带时分多址(TDMA)技术的用于发送信号。
- GSM采用数字技术开发。它有能力进行64 kbps到120 Mbps的数据传输速率。
- 目前GSM支持在超过210个国家和地区的超过一个亿的移动用户,在整个世界。
- GSM提供先进的语音和数据服务,包括漫游服务的基础。漫游是在另一个GSM网络,能够使用GSM手机号码。
- 提高频谱效率。
- 国际漫游。
- 廉价的移动台和基站(BS)
- 高质量的语音
- 综合服务数字网(ISDN)和其他电话公司的服务的兼容性。
- 支持新的服务。
年代 | 事件 |
1982 | CEPT establishes a GSM group in order to develop the standards for a pan-European cellular mobile system. |
1985 | A list of recommendations to be generated by the group is accepted. |
1986 | Field tests are performed to test the different radio techniques proposed for the air interface. |
1987 | Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is chosen as the access method (with Frequency Division Multiple Access [FDMA]). The initial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed by telecommunication operators representing 12 countries. |
1988 | GSM system is validated. |
1989 | The responsibility of the GSM specifications is passed to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). |
1990 | Phase 1 of the GSM specifications is delivered. |
1991 | Commercial launch of the GSM service occurs. The DCS1800 specifications are finalized. |
1992 | The addition of the countries that signed the GSM Memorandum of Understanding takes place. Coverage spreads to larger cities and airports. |
1993 | Coverage of main roads' GSM services starts outside Europe. |
1994 | Data transmission capabilities launched. The number of networks rises to 69 in 43 countries by the end of 1994. |
1995 | Phase 2 of the GSM specifications occurs. Coverage is extended to rural areas. |
1996 | June: 133 network in 81 countries operational. |
1997 | July: 200 network in 109 countries operational, around 44 million subscribers worldwide. |
1999 | Wireless Application Protocol came into existence and 130 countries operational with 260 million subscribers |
2000 | General Packet Radio Service(GPRS) came into existence. |
2001 | As of May 2001, over 550 million people were subscribers to mobile telecommunications |