在线手册:中文  英文

The MysqlndUhConnection class

(PECL mysqlnd-uh >= 1.0.0-alpha)



MysqlndUhConnection {
/* 方法 */
public bool changeUser ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $user , string $password , string $database , bool $silent , int $passwd_len )
public string charsetName ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool close ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $close_type )
public bool connect ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $host , string $use" , string $password , string $database , int $port , string $socket , int $mysql_flags )
public __construct ( void )
public bool endPSession ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public string escapeString ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $escape_string )
public int getAffectedRows ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public int getErrorNumber ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public string getErrorString ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public int getFieldCount ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public string getHostInformation ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public int getLastInsertId ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public void getLastMessage ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public string getProtocolInformation ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public string getServerInformation ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public string getServerStatistics ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public int getServerVersion ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public string getSqlstate ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public array getStatistics ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public int getThreadId ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public int getWarningCount ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool init ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool killConnection ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $pid )
public array listFields ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $table , string $achtung_wild )
public void listMethod ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $query , string $achtung_wild , string $par1 )
public bool moreResults ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool nextResult ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool ping ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool query ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $query )
public bool queryReadResultsetHeader ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , mysqlnd_statement $mysqlnd_stmt )
public bool reapQuery ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool refreshServer ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $options )
public bool restartPSession ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool selectDb ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $database )
public bool sendClose ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool sendQuery ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $query )
public bool serverDumpDebugInformation ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool setAutocommit ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $mode )
public bool setCharset ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $charset )
public bool setClientOption ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $option , int $value )
public void setServerOption ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $option )
public void shutdownServer ( string $MYSQLND_UH_RES_MYSQLND_NAME , string $"level" )
public bool simpleCommand ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $command , string $arg , int $ok_packet , bool $silent , bool $ignore_upsert_status )
public bool simpleCommandHandleResponse ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , int $ok_packet , bool $silent , int $command , bool $ignore_upsert_status )
public bool sslSet ( mysqlnd_connection $connection , string $key , string $cert , string $ca , string $capath , string $cipher )
public resource stmtInit ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public resource storeResult ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool txCommit ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public bool txRollback ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )
public resource useResult ( mysqlnd_connection $connection )

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在线手册:中文  英文