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The SWFMorph class

(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)


The methods here are sort of weird. It would make more sense to just have newSWFMorph(shape1, shape2);, but as things are now, shape2 needs to know that it's the second part of a morph. (This, because it starts writing its output as soon as it gets drawing commands- if it kept its own description of its shapes and wrote on completion this and some other things would be much easier.)


SWFMorph {
/* 方法 */
__construct ( void )
SWFShape getShape1 ( void )
SWFShape getShape2 ( void )

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在线手册:中文  英文


o dot marce at free dot fr (2005-10-01 14:03:45)

setLine() is mandatory for shape got with getShape1 and getShape2, otherwise you will get a "failed assertion"

dk dot php dot net dot nospam at emanuelgreisen dot dk (2005-02-14 10:57:57)

If you call getShape1() twize (by mistake, when copy-pasting). ming-0.3_beta1 will segfault.
