(PHP 5)
DOMNode::cloneNode — Clones a node
Indicates whether to copy all descendant nodes. This parameter is
defaulted to FALSE
The cloned node.
frame at dynamiccreated dot de (2012-12-02 02:19:48)
Remeber that DOMNode always needs a reference to a parent node or DOMDocument.
For example, if you try to clone a node - copy all children - and overwrite or delete the variable which holds the cloned node - all children will loose any reference and getting invalid.
This will cause a nice message like "Couldn't... node no longer exists" if you have luck. In most cases PHP only gives you the poor information "Couldn't fetch DOM[...]" which makes hard to find out whats going on, depending on the current operation.
cemkalyoncu at gmail dot com (2009-04-28 03:04:14)
If you need some function to clone a node without touching namespaces you can use the following.
private function cloneNode($node,$doc){
foreach($node->attributes as $value)
return $nd;
foreach($node->childNodes as $child) {
return $nd;
[montana] at [percepticon] dot [com] (2009-02-16 02:23:59)
//@oliver thanks for example source...
cloneNode(false) does not omit
Attributes of cloned node,
to achieve this an iteration is required.
this is probably less efficient
than merely creating a new
node from the desired nodeName
but in some cases could be useful.
use case:
omit subnodes and attributes of
secured portions of an xml document
without altering expected general structure;
//xml to use
$file="<?xml version='1.0'?>
<book type='paperback'>
<title name='MAP'>Red Nails</title>
<name first='Robert' middle='E' last='Howard'/>
<birthdate disco='false' nirvana='definitely'>
<month title='september' />
<name first='Arthur' middle='Mc' last='Kayn'/>
$doc = new domDocument;
$xpath = new domXPath($doc);
$query = "//author/birthdate";
$xpathQuery = $xpath->query($query);
//would be a loop in production code...
$child = $xpathQuery->item(0);
$parent = $child->parentNode;
$doppel = $child->cloneNode(false);
$limit = $doppel->attributes->length;
for ($a=0;$a<$limit;$a++) {
//swap for now empty node
$parent->replaceChild( $doppel, $child);
print $doc->saveXML();
oliver dot christen at camptocamp dot com (2004-11-19 08:48:29)
simple exemple of node cloning
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book type="paperback">
<title name='MAP'>Red Nails</title>
<name first="Robert" middle="E" last="Howard"/>
<name first="Arthur" middle="Mc" last="Kayn"/>
//filename xml file to use
$file = 'book.xml';
$doc = new domDocument;
if (file_exists($file)) {
} else {
exit('Erreur !.');
$xpath = new domXPath($doc);
$query = "//author/*";
$xpathQuery = $xpath->query($query);
$size = $xpathQuery->length;
for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++){
$node = $xpathQuery->item($i);
if ($node->nodeName == 'birthdate' && $node->hasChildNodes() && $node->firstChild->textContent != ''){
$clonenode = $node->cloneNode(true);
$refnode = $node;
for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++){
$node = $xpathQuery->item($i);
if (!$node->isSameNode($refnode)){
$newnode = $node->appendChild($clonenode);
print $doc->saveXML();