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(PHP 5)

DOMText::isWhitespaceInElementContent Indicates whether this text node contains whitespace


public bool DOMText::isWhitespaceInElementContent ( void )

Indicates whether this text node contains whitespace. The text node is determined to contain whitespace in element content during the load of the document.


成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE

在线手册:中文  英文


JITR (2007-07-07 15:36:07)

To add to `permidion at yahoo dot com''s comment:
Quite true. According to DOM Level 3 Core, the `isWhitespaceInElementContent()' method indicates, whether the node contains `whitespace in element content' (or `element content whitespace' according to the newer spec), see [1].
Btw, it seems the `isWhitespaceInElementContent()' method was replaced with the `isElementContentWhitespace' attribute in the current W3C recommendation, see [2].
I have the feeling, though, it would be more precise with the word `only' added, like: `... indicates, whether the node contains *only* element content whitespace.' This would better correspond with the fact the result is false, when there are any non-whitespace characters present (in addition to the whitespace ones), as already noted.
[1] (please concatenate the following two lines)
[2] (please concatenate the following two lines)

permidion at yahoo dot com (2004-10-28 08:30:56)

if you have an xml element such as <name>Foo Bar</name> (note the space), isWhitespaceInElementContent will return false.
However it will return true for <name><name> or <name/>
so, that function can be used to determine if the element has a text content or not
