(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0)
date_default_timezone_get — 取得一个脚本中所有日期时间函数所使用的默认时区
用 date_default_timezone_set() 函数设定的时区(如果设定了的话)
仅仅在 PHP 5.4.0 之前: TZ 环境变量(如果非空)
date.timezone 配置选项(如果设定了的话)
仅仅在 PHP 5.4.0 之前: 查询操作系统主机 (如果操作系统支持并允许)。 This uses an algorithm that has to guess the timezone. This is by no means going to work correctly for every situation. A warning is shown when this stage is reached. Do not rely on it to be guessed correctly, and set date.timezone to the correct timezone instead.
如果以上选择都不成功, date_default_timezone_get() 会则返回 UTC 的默认时区。
返回一个 string。
版本 | 说明 |
5.4.0 | 不再使用 TZ 来推测时区。 |
5.4.0 | 不再根据操作系统的信息来推测时区,因为这是不可靠的。 |
Example #1 获取默认时区
if (date_default_timezone_get()) {
echo 'date_default_timezone_set: ' . date_default_timezone_get() . '<br />';
if (ini_get('date.timezone')) {
echo 'date.timezone: ' . ini_get('date.timezone');
date_default_timezone_set: Europe/London date.timezone: Europe/London
Example #2 获取一个时区的简写
echo date_default_timezone_get() . ' => ' . date('e') . ' => ' . date('T');
America/Los_Angeles => America/Los_Angeles => PST
Damien dot Garrido dot Work at gmail dot com (2012-07-05 00:04:05)
To get offset string from offset:
function timezone_offset_string( $offset )
return sprintf( "%s%02d:%02d", ( $offset >= 0 ) ? '+' : '-', abs( $offset / 3600 ), abs( $offset % 3600 ) );
$offset = timezone_offset_get( new DateTimeZone( 'Pacific/Kiritimati' ), new DateTime() );
echo "offset: " . timezone_offset_string( $offset ) . "\n";
$offset = timezone_offset_get( new DateTimeZone( 'Pacific/Tahiti' ), new DateTime() );
echo "offset: " . timezone_offset_string( $offset ) . "\n";
offset: +14:00
offset: -10:00
glennpratt+php at gmail dot com (2011-05-19 13:30:45)
In my case, I'm not sure I can guess the correct timezone any better than PHP and it's no where near important enough to nag the user, so...
// Suppress DateTime warnings
harmor (2008-02-28 08:19:57)
If you want to get the abbrivation (3 or 4 letter), instead of the long timezone string you can use date('T') function like this:
echo date_default_timezone_get();
echo ' => '.date('e');
echo ' => '.date('T');
America/Los_Angeles => America/Los_Angeles => PST
dohpaz at gmail dot com (2007-04-20 14:58:32)
date_default_timezone_get() will still emit a warning in E_STRICT if the timezone is not set; either by date_default_timezone_set() or the ini option of date.timezone.
This is probably not a big deal, but I thought I would contribute what I found.