FTP 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

ftp_connect建立一个新的 FTP 连接


resource ftp_connect ( string $host [, int $port [, int $timeout ]] )

如果成功返回一个连接标识,失败则返回 FALSE

ftp_connect() 打开一个 FTP 连接,参数 host 为要连接的服务器。host 后面不应以斜线结尾,前面也不需要用 ftp:// 开头。可选参数port 为要连接到的 FTP 器的端口号,如果没有设置或者为0,则会使用默认的端口 21 来连接。

可选参数 timeout 用来设置网络传输的超时时间限制。如果此选项留空,则默认的值为 90 秒。超时时间可以在任何时候通过函数 ftp_set_option()ftp_get_option() 来改变和获取。


参数 timeout 仅适用于 PHP 4.2.0 及以上版本.

Example #1 ftp_connect() 例子



// set up a connection or die
$conn_id ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to $ftp_server");


参见 ftp_close()ftp_ssl_connect()

FTP 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


jcornell att chapter zero dot com (2010-08-19 10:48:03)

Although an FTP port is always a number, if you specify it as one like this:

<?php $ftp ftp_connect('example.com',210); ?>

You'll get a non-intuitive error. This, however, works [note the quotes]:

<?php $ftp ftp_connect('example.com','210'); ?>

sean at boyercentral dot net (2009-03-24 05:05:02)

Ever needed to create an FTP connection resource defaulted to a particular dir from a URI? Here's a simple function that will take a URI like ftp://username:password@subdomain.example.com/path1/path2/, and return an FTP connection resource.

function getFtpConnection($uri)
// Split FTP URI into:
    // $match[0] = ftp://username:password@sld.domain.tld/path1/path2/
    // $match[1] = ftp://
    // $match[2] = username
    // $match[3] = password
    // $match[4] = sld.domain.tld
    // $match[5] = /path1/path2/

// Set up a connection
$conn ftp_connect($match[1] . $match[4] . $match[5]);

// Login
if (ftp_login($conn$match[2], $match[3]))
// Change the dir

// Return the resource
return $conn;

// Or retun null
return null;

brandon dot farber at gmail dot com (2005-10-10 12:06:13)

In testing, I have been unable to establish any socket connections (including FTP connections) on shutdown. This is important if you are trying to save the FTP transfer to run after the php script has been executed (using register_shutdown_function). I am unaware of any configuration options that control this, and I have found this affects any socket connections I have tried to establish after shutdown.
The same code works fine if it is executed at runtime, rather than on shutdown. Since I found no documentation of this behavior, I felt it important to note somewhere. May also be useful if this was crosslinked to fsockopen comments as well.

rainer at justchords dot com (2003-11-11 03:07:44)

Connecting through a firewall also depends on the type. This is an example for the Secure Gateway FTP. First you have to connect to the firewall, then open a session to the destination ftp server. This looks like this:
// Connect to firewall
$conn_id = ftp_connect("firewall.yournet.com");
// Open a session to an external ftp site
$login_result = ftp_login ($conn_id, "userid@externalhost.com", "password");
// Check open
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
echo "Ftp-connect failed!"; die;
} else {
echo "Connected.";
// turn on passive mode transfers
ftp_pasv ($conn_id, true) ;
... and go on ...

thomas g. (2003-03-03 15:35:23)

always keep an eye on the ftp_pasv function, if you are behind a firewall or nat'ed and your scripts won't do a listing or put files to the ftp
