(PHP 4, PHP 5)
getprotobyname — Get protocol number associated with protocol name
getprotobyname() returns the protocol number
associated with the protocol name
as per
The protocol name.
Returns the protocol number, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 getprotobyname() example
$protocol = 'tcp';
$get_prot = getprotobyname($protocol);
if ($get_prot === FALSE) {
echo 'Invalid Protocol';
} else {
echo 'Protocol #' . $get_prot;
Vipindas K.S (2008-05-08 08:33:43)
getprotobyname() gives the protocol number for the given protocol name on the local system.
If the protocol is not recognized, then the function returns -1.
The given code snippet gives the list of protocols along with their protocol numbers
"rdp","rvd" );
//Reads the names of protocols into an array..
echo $proname .":", getprotobyname ($proname)."<br />";