(PHP 5 >= 5.4.0)
http_response_code — Get or Set the HTTP response code
] )If you pass no parameters then http_response_code will get the current status code. If you pass a parameter it will set the response code.
The optional response_code
will set the response code.
The current response code. By default the return value is int(200).
Example #1 Examples using http_response_code()
// Get the current default response code
var_dump(http_response_code()); // int(200)
// Set our response code
// Get our new response code
var_dump(http_response_code()); // int(404)
Richard F. (2013-06-15 10:19:45)
At least on my side with php-fpm and nginx this method does not change the text in the response, only the code.
// HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
The resulting response is HTTP/1.1 404 OK
Rob Zazueta (2013-05-09 16:43:54)
The note above from "Anonymous" is wrong. I'm running this behind the AWS Elastic Loadbalancer and trying the header(':'.$error_code...) method mentioned above is treated as invalid HTTP.
The documentation for the header() function has the right way to implement this if you're still on < php 5.4:
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
Anonymous (2012-07-17 11:35:43)
If you don't have PHP 5.4 and want to change the returned status code, you can simply write:
header(':', true, $statusCode);
The ':' are mandatory, or it won't work
craig at craigfrancis dot co dot uk (2012-01-25 16:38:45)
If your version of PHP does not include this function:
if (!function_exists('http_response_code')) {
function http_response_code($code = NULL) {
if ($code !== NULL) {
switch ($code) {
case 100: $text = 'Continue'; break;
case 101: $text = 'Switching Protocols'; break;
case 200: $text = 'OK'; break;
case 201: $text = 'Created'; break;
case 202: $text = 'Accepted'; break;
case 203: $text = 'Non-Authoritative Information'; break;
case 204: $text = 'No Content'; break;
case 205: $text = 'Reset Content'; break;
case 206: $text = 'Partial Content'; break;
case 300: $text = 'Multiple Choices'; break;
case 301: $text = 'Moved Permanently'; break;
case 302: $text = 'Moved Temporarily'; break;
case 303: $text = 'See Other'; break;
case 304: $text = 'Not Modified'; break;
case 305: $text = 'Use Proxy'; break;
case 400: $text = 'Bad Request'; break;
case 401: $text = 'Unauthorized'; break;
case 402: $text = 'Payment Required'; break;
case 403: $text = 'Forbidden'; break;
case 404: $text = 'Not Found'; break;
case 405: $text = 'Method Not Allowed'; break;
case 406: $text = 'Not Acceptable'; break;
case 407: $text = 'Proxy Authentication Required'; break;
case 408: $text = 'Request Time-out'; break;
case 409: $text = 'Conflict'; break;
case 410: $text = 'Gone'; break;
case 411: $text = 'Length Required'; break;
case 412: $text = 'Precondition Failed'; break;
case 413: $text = 'Request Entity Too Large'; break;
case 414: $text = 'Request-URI Too Large'; break;
case 415: $text = 'Unsupported Media Type'; break;
case 500: $text = 'Internal Server Error'; break;
case 501: $text = 'Not Implemented'; break;
case 502: $text = 'Bad Gateway'; break;
case 503: $text = 'Service Unavailable'; break;
case 504: $text = 'Gateway Time-out'; break;
case 505: $text = 'HTTP Version not supported'; break;
exit('Unknown http status code "' . htmlentities($code) . '"');
$protocol = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0');
header($protocol . ' ' . $code . ' ' . $text);
$GLOBALS['http_response_code'] = $code;
} else {
$code = (isset($GLOBALS['http_response_code']) ? $GLOBALS['http_response_code'] : 200);
return $code;
In this example I am using $GLOBALS, but you can use whatever storage mechanism you like... I don't think there is a way to return the current status code:
For reference the error codes I got from PHP's source code:
And how the current http header is sent, with the variables it uses: