Gettext 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

ngettextPlural version of gettext


string ngettext ( string $msgid1 , string $msgid2 , int $n )

The plural version of gettext(). Some languages have more than one form for plural messages dependent on the count.






Returns correct plural form of message identified by msgid1 and msgid2 for count n.


Example #1 ngettext() example


printf(ngettext("%d window""%d windows"1), 1); // 1 okno
printf(ngettext("%d window""%d windows"2), 2); // 2 okna
printf(ngettext("%d window""%d windows"5), 5); // 5 oken


Gettext 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


Mike Robinson (2013-06-17 20:40:28)

Even though "hek at theeks dot net"'s answer is valid, I would not recommend using the abs() hack recommended. Even though it is by far the most common, not all languages treat (n != 1) as plural. Other languages are much more complex, for example, here is how you determine plurals in Macedonian.
n==1 || n%10==1 ? 0 : 1
In Arabic there are actually 5 different types of plurals:
n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5
If you are using only specific languages that use the (n != 1) format AND -1 is singular, by all means, use abs(), but be careful and don't forget that you have done this when adding a new language to your project 3 years down the road.

hek at theeks dot net (2009-08-19 11:07:44)

Beware of one difference between the GNU gettext API and the PHP binding of it, which is that the GNU gettext functions that accept a $count parameter all expect (indeed, being compiled C, require) that $count be unsigned, while the PHP binding does not.
Thus, the PHP gettext functions will happily accept negative numbers. The one potentially irritating consequence of this is that -1 is treated as plural, which sits well with some people and not so well with others. (As a picky native speaker of English, my personal opinion is that both "the temperature is minus one degree Fahrenheit" and "four apples minus five apples leaves minus one apple" but others may feel that "four apples minus five apples leaves minus one apples" sounds better.)
The upshot: You may want to abs($count) before passing numbers to gettext.
Bonus points: If your application includes user preferences, you might offer a "treat -1 as singular" option to your users, then choose $count or abs($count) to pass to gettext based on each user's preference.

peter at ints dot net (2008-12-14 11:26:05)

Example for russian lang:
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
msgid "File"
msgid_plural "Files"
msgstr[0] "Файл"
msgstr[1] "Файла"
msgstr[2] "Файлов"
echo ngettext("File", "Files", $number);

stnt at ukr dot net (2008-01-13 00:51:48)

Another ready to use function for russian plural implementation:

function plural_str ($i$str1$str2$str3){
plural ($a){
        if (
$a%10==&& $a%100!=11){ return 0; } 
$a%10>=&& $a%10<=&& ($a%100<10 || $a%100>=20)) { return 1; } 
        else { 
$pluralplural ($i);
    switch (
$plural) {
$out_str $str1;
$out_str $str2;
$out_str $str3;

//// Usage:
$n 3;
$n .' 'plural_str($n'тетрадь''тетради''тетрадей');
//// Output: '3 тетради'

kontakt at somplatzki dot de (2007-05-25 02:47:13)

It's useful to know how the .po-file has to look like when using ngettext:
msgid "item"
msgid_plural "items"
msgstr[0] "Produkt"
msgstr[1] "Produkte"
In php:
echo ngettext('item', 'items', $number);

tokul at users dot sourceforge dot net (2006-12-10 03:56:39)

According to GNU gettext manual third argument is unsigned long integer. It must be positive number. If n is negative, it might be evaluated incorrectly in some languages.

nikolai dot zujev at gmail dot com (2006-03-21 13:36:01)

This is an implementation for a word ending in russian lang. Also as I know polish and similar langs use same rules:

 * Returns:
 *   0, if $n == 1, 21, 31, 41, ...
 *   1, if $n == 2..4, 22..24, 32..34, ...
 *   2, if $n == 5..20, 25..30, 35..40, ...
function plural$n )
    if ( 
$n 10 == && $n 100 != 11 )

    if ( 
$n 10 >= && $n 10 <= && ( $n 100 10 || $n 100 >= 20 ) )


// usage
for ( $i 0$i 100$i++ )
$x plural$i );

"%d тетрад%s<br/>\n"$i,
== $x 'ь' : ( == $x 'и' 'ей' ) )

0 тетрадей
1 тетрадь
2 тетради
3 тетради
4 тетради
5 тетрадей
6 тетрадей
7 тетрадей
8 тетрадей
9 тетрадей
10 тетрадей

Also here is short version:

print (
$n%10==&& $n%100!=11 : ($n%10>=&& $n%10<=&& ($n%100<10 || $n%100>=20) ? 2));

output: 2

mike-php at emerge2 dot com (2004-11-03 12:53:41)

Section 10.2.5 in the GNU gettext manual explains the ngettext function:
(Sorry, but the Add Note function prevents me from including a long URL which points right to that section of the manual.)
