OCI8 Obsolete Aliases and Functions
在线手册:中文  英文


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.0.0)

ocibindbyname别名 oci_bind_by_name()



自 PHP 5.4.0 起,已经废弃此别名。强烈建议不要应用此别名 。

OCI8 Obsolete Aliases and Functions
在线手册:中文  英文


hardipetit at yahoo dot fr (2008-01-20 08:19:09)

@ javier_8 :

You just have to unset $Value :

for ($i=0$i <= 20$i++)
$ParamName ':FIELD'.$i;
$Value $_POST['FIELD'.$i];


Thanks for pointing this out...

javier_8 at NOSPAM dot hotmail dot com (2007-08-02 14:25:51)

Probably a common error using oci_bind_by_name:

for ($i=0$i <= 20$i++)
$ParamName ':FIELD'.$i;
$Value $_POST['FIELD'.$i];

This is wrong and you'll get the error: 
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
It's because oci_bind_by_name apparently works with placeholders, if you assign all the binds to the address of "$value", then all of the values will be the same.
You must do this instead:

for ($i=0$i <= 20$i++)
$ParamName ':FIELD'.$i;

So oci_bind_by_name links the parameter with the memory space of POST['FIELD1'], POST['FIELD2'], POST['FIELD3']...
Hope it helps (It took some time to figure this out, and I found no help on the net for this issue).

md AT opencube DOT org (2004-09-28 06:03:11)

I changed the Method below - all without comments:
function getBindVars($statement){
$regExp = "/(:[_a-z0-9]+)/i";
$statement = preg_replace('/\'[^\']*?\'/i', "", $statement);
// --- Kommentare raus:
$statement = preg_replace('/--[^(\n)]*?\n/i', "", $statement."\n");
// /* */ Kommentare raus:
$statement = preg_replace('/(\/\*)([^\*]|[^\*](\*)[^\/])+?(\*\/)/i', "", $statement);
$statement = preg_replace('/[^s]el([^t](t)[^s])+?(ts)/i', "", $statement);
$test = preg_match_all($regExp, $statement, $return);
if (isset($return[1]) && count($return[1]) > 0)
else return array();
for this statement:
$testStatement = " select * from /* Komm \n* :v_comment /asdf */ elements := [asdf]||test where\n elements_id = :v_test;".
"(:value-1) ':text[not]text'||:test123 --test 'diesen:auch_nicht' :v_not\n asdf";
we get this Array:
[0] => :v_test
[1] => :value
[2] => :test123

(2004-09-16 03:18:36)

Hi all,
I wrote a little function to get all the bind variables of a statement. I use this for a tool that creates a formular to execute different statements the user can select:
function getBindVars($statement){
$regExp = "/[^'](:[_a-z0-9]+)/i";
$test = preg_match_all($regExp, $statement, $return);
if (isset($return[1]) && count($return[1]) > 0)
else return array();

jriley at gamesville dot com (2004-08-24 15:16:52)

To select a value from DUAL, use a length of -1. DUAL is defined as a table of VARCHAR2(1).
$stmt = OCIParse($conn, "select :VAR from DUAL");
ocibindbyname($stm, ":VAR", &$Var, -1);
For a query using LIKE, put the percent signs in the variable definition and skip the single quotes you would normally put around the regex in SQL.
$ename = "%{$ename}%";
$stmt = OCIParse($conn, "select empno from emp where ename like :ename");
OCIBindByName($stmt, ":ename", $ename, 32);
Adding single quotes around :ename in $query will cause an
"ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number" error. Adding them in $ename will add single quotes to the search string.

david dot gaia dot kano at dartmouth dot edu (2004-08-04 14:24:31)

Here is a new twist I just discovered (at least with PHP 4.3.5). While it is true that doing something like this works:
$dataArray = array("name" => "david", "sport" => "rock climbing");
$lengths = array("name" => 25, "sport" => 100);
// imagine the ociparse here
foreach($dataArray as $col => $val) {
ocibindbyname($statement, $col, $dataArray[$val], $lengths[$col])
$dataArray["name"] = "jane";
$dataArray["sport"] = "kayaking";
The following ADDITIONAL lines of code would not:
function getDataArray() {
$ret["name"] = "susan";
$ret["sport"] = "walking";
$dataArray = getDataArray();
As far as I can tell, the last execute would attempt to insert using the same data as the second execute. In other words when reassigning the whole associative array rather than just each member in the array, the binds do not work as expected. I think this is also a problem when the array has never been assigned to anything yet, when you do the binds.

yepster at hotmail dot com (2004-03-09 05:32:01)

If you get ora-01460 you might want to check whether the OCIBindByName was done with -1 on a date field, which on bind time (not execute time) was bound to a php variable with size 0. (e.g.: $var=""; bind var to date with length -1; loop; $var=realdate; execute will give ora-01460 -> unreasonable or unimplemented conversion). Changing the initial $var to a good length, or do the bind with the right size of your date in string format representation instead of -1 will solve it.

adamb-php at agitate dot org dot uk (2003-11-27 05:14:22)

If you use dba_tab_columns or user_tab_columns to get the sizes of the columns into which you are inserting data with OCIBindByName, be aware that a DATE type column is returned as 7 which is the size of it when it is stored in oracle's internal format. The problem arises when you are in fact inserting dates using the TO_DATE function as your bound data could be something like "28/04/1972 12:22.13" which is larger than the width specified in the bind statement and will get you the ever so helpful OCI error message of:
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

aidan.peiser at shopsmart dot com (2003-02-28 11:06:41)

I have made two function to add and update a table with a CLOB field in it.all you have to do is pass the correct data through the function and it should work...

/*the table sql looks like this:

create table MY_PAGE (pageid varchar2(20),
           pagename varchar2(50),
           pageurl varchar2(100),           
           edited date,
           bodymessage clob);

create sequence mypage_sequence minvalue 1 nocache;

function updatePageData($select,$pagename,$pageurl,$document) {    
$sql "update MY_PAGE set PAGENAME='$pagename', 
$select' returning BODYMESSAGE into :bodymessage";
$stmt OCIParse($conn,$sql);
$lob OCINewDescriptor($conn,OCI_D_LOB);


insertPageData($pagename,$pageurl,$document) {    
values (mypage_sequence.nextval,
empty_clob()) returning BODYMESSAGE into :bodymessage"
$stmt OCIParse($conn$query);
$clob1 OCINewDescriptor($connOCI_D_LOB);
OCIBindByName ($stmt":bodymessage", &$clob1, -1OCI_B_CLOB);
$clob1->save ($document);
"data inserted";
"unable to insert data";


alexander dot zimmer at gmx dot at (2002-09-20 05:40:22)

Addition to the posting of cthrall@rocketmail.com (from 06-Sep-2000):
It's true, you can't call OCIBindByName in a loop and bind to an associative array like this:
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
OCIBindByName($state, $key, $val, -1);
BUT: You can do it this way:
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
OCIBindByName($state, $key, $array[$key], -1);
Background: the command OCIBindByName BINDS a PHP variable to a parameter, not just its current value. Thus, it is up to you to make sure that the variable has the correct value at the very time when OCIExecute is called, not just when OCIBindByName was called! The PHP variable gets evaluated at the point of OCIExecute and not earlier.
This is somewhat more legible than cthrall's solution (but it surely works, too).

chris_se at gmx dot net (2002-08-27 11:44:33)

Be warned if you use this function with a fixed-width character field:
If you have a table with the following fields:
create table personal_data (
name char(20) not null,
street char(50),
city char(50),
primary key (name) using index
Now, if you want to update a column without OCIBindByName, you may write
$stmt = OCIParse ($conn, "update personal_data set street = '$street' where name = '$name'");
$res = OCIExecute ($stmt);
OCIFreeStatement ($stmt);
If you want to use OCIBindByName, the following will _only_ work, if the contents of $name has always the same length as field:
$stmt = OCIParse ($conn, "update personal_data set street = :STREET where name = :NAME");
OCIBindByName ($stmt, ":STREET", &$street, 50);
OCIBindByName ($stmt, ":NAME", &$name, 20);
$res = OCIExecute ($stmt);
OCIFreeStatement ($stmt);
(this will not produce any error, it's simply that the where-clause will never get true if the contents of $name is not as long as the field itself)
To make this work, you have to trim the field:
$stmt = OCIParse ($conn, "update personal_data set street = :STREET where trim(name) = :NAME");
OCIBindByName ($stmt, ":STREET", &$street, 50);
OCIBindByName ($stmt, ":NAME", &$name, 20);
$res = OCIExecute ($stmt);
OCIFreeStatement ($stmt);

max at pict dot lviv dot ua (2002-08-15 05:53:54)

For those, who may wish to determine column size before execution of query, I suggest to use DBA_TAB_COLUMNS view. I did it with this function:
function db_column_size($table,$column) {
$connection = db_connect();
"WHERE TABLE_NAME='".strtoupper($table)."' ".
"AND COLUMN_NAME='".strtoupper($column)."'";
$statement = OCIParse($connection, $query);
return $row["DATA_LENGTH"];

k_a_h_l_i_l at yahoo dot com (2001-05-01 21:08:05)

How to bind an nvarchar field:

"insert into my_table values (translate(:varname using nchar_cs))";

$stmt OCIParse($conn$sql);
OCIBindByName($stmt,":varname", &$valuestrlen($value) + 11);
$err OCIError($stmt);
$err) {
$err OCIError($stmt);

andrea at neutrini dot it (2001-02-18 10:30:35)

This script print the real name of a BFILE saved. It use OCIBindByName ...

=OCILogon ("username","password","database");
$store_file "NULL";
$stmt ociparse($c1,$query);

ociexecute($stmt)) echo "Error";

$store_file ;


gmarcos at netspace dot com dot mx (2000-12-16 11:04:25)

to load an image from oracle:
Header("Content-Type: image/png");
$conn = OCILogon("user","passwd","bd");

$stmt = OCIParse($conn,"select picture
from table_with_picture ");

$picture = OCINewDescriptor($stmt,OCI_D_LOB);



$fp = fopen ("/directory/picture.tif","wb");
passthru("/usr/bin/X11/convert /directory/picture.tif png:-");


This work for blobs.

Maxwell_Smart at ThePentagon dot com (2000-10-31 18:27:23)

You cannot use a reserved word as a bind variable.Otherwise you'll get "OCIStmtExecute: ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name". So, while "RETURNING ROWID INTO :RowId" may be nice, it'll cause an error, as will "RETURNING ROWID INTO :SELECT", etc.

cthrall at rocketmail dot com (2000-09-06 17:40:21)

So, if you're calling OCIBindByName in a loop and binding to an associative array like this:

while (list($key$val) = each($array)) {
OCIBindByName($state$key$val['VALUE'], $val['LENGTH']);

it won't work.  My WAG is that OCI gets confused when you bind a bunch of values to what appears to be the same variable, then call OCIExecute.

Workaround is create a new array, and copy values into it:
= array();
$i 0;

while (list(
$key$val) = each($array)) {
$value[$i] = $val['VALUE'];
OCIBindByName($state$key$value[$i], $val['LENGTH']);

benjy at nectaris dot com (2000-01-27 10:15:54)

Note that when binding a variable to a
VARCHAR2 column, the length parameter should count an extra character (the terminating null.)
For example, when binding to a column of type VARCHAR2(500), the length parameter should be 501. Otherwise when a string of length 500 is supplied as a bind value an error ("ORA-01480: trailing null missing from STR bind value") will be thrown.
According to the OCI documentation this happens because the length parameter is used by OCI as a search limit for the terminating null in the underlying C/C++ character string.

k_a_h_l_i_l at yahoo dot com (2000-01-27 02:45:48)

ocibindbyname with VARCHAR fields doesn't handle length dynamically. I had to define my variable with the correct length (and garbage data) before calling bindbyname.
$myvar = "000000";
OCIBindByName($stmt,":myvar",&$myvar, -1);
without the first initialization line ($myvar = "000000"), the statement will give a NULL length error when executed. This error happens even if the variable's length is provided as a parameter. So
OCIBindByName($stmt,":myvar",&$myvar, 6);
won't work either unless the initialization statement is executed first.

philippe at styx dot net (1999-08-24 23:27:50)

Note: If the table field is VARCHAR2(1),
--> ocibindbyname($stm, ":VAR", &$Var, 1);
won't work. You have to put instead:
--> ocibindbyname($stm, ":VAR", &$Var, -1);
