OCI8 Obsolete Aliases and Functions
在线手册:中文  英文


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.0.0)

ocifetchintoFetches the next row into an array (deprecated)


int ocifetchinto ( resource $statement , array &$result [, int $mode = OCI_ASSOC + OCI_NUM ] )

This function is deprecated. Recommended alternatives: oci_fetch_array(), oci_fetch_object(), oci_fetch_assoc() and oci_fetch_row().


自PHP 5.4.0起,此函数已经被废弃。强烈建议不要使用此函数 。

OCI8 Obsolete Aliases and Functions
在线手册:中文  英文


php at natalian dot org (2005-10-24 16:45:06)

There might be a better way.



$th 0// Table Header

$query 'select * from PAYMENT';

$stid OCIParse($conn$query);

        while (
OCIFetchInto($stid$rowOCI_ASSOC)) {
          if (!
$th) {

$keys = (array_keys($row));

            foreach (
$keys as $k) {echo "<th>" $k "</th>\n";}

$th 1// Table header done !

          foreach (
$keys as $k) {echo "<td>" $row[$k] . "</td>\n";}
$count $count 1;


"<h3>" $count " records</h3>";


xerxes at dataforce dot com dot au (2002-10-03 21:37:15)

Hi all....
Following an eariler message about having similar functionality to "mysql_fetch_object", here is a snip of code i frequently use to return an array of all rows from a query....each element of the array is an object, where the properties for the object are the columns selected from the query.
Note that this function reqs that you pass in a connection handler....
It can be modified to return just a single row, quite easily.
function executeSQL($SQL, $oConn) {
$cur = OCIParse($oConn, $SQL);

if (OCIExecute($cur, OCI_DEFAULT)) {
$iCounter = 0;
$aGeneric = Array();
$TempClass = new stdClass ();
while(OCIFetchInto($cur, $res, OCI_RETURN_NULLS + OCI_ASSOC)) {
foreach ($res as $sKey => $sVal) {
$TempClass->{$sKey} = $sVal;
$aGeneric[$iCounter] = $TempClass;

else {
return (false);
return ($aGeneric);

kboyer at matchlogic dot com (2000-07-14 13:26:43)

When using ocifetchinto, be careful with the resulting array. If the array variable is previously populated before calling ocifetchinto, and the the ocifetchinto command returns no (0) rows, the array is not overwritten. This can make you think that you actually got rows returned when you actually didn't.
