PDF 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


(PHP 4, PECL pdflib >= 1.0.0)

PDF_begin_pageStart new page [deprecated]


bool PDF_begin_page ( resource $pdfdoc , float $width , float $height )

Adds a new page to the document. 成功时返回 TRUE, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE

This function is deprecated since PDFlib version 6, use PDF_begin_page_ext() instead.

PDF 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


rz at daimi dot au dot dk (2005-08-19 16:53:38)

The problem is that A4 is *NOT* exactly 210mm*297mm.
(Further more, the 2.835016835017 is incorrect. You convert from mm to pps by dividing by 25.4 and multiplying by 72. Hence the ratio is 2.83464566929133858267).
The code that I posted in may produces correct sizes.
(Except for the "m65" format, sorry. "m65" is the same as "dl", and should return the same values).

d dot schneider at 24you dot de (2005-07-06 21:47:41)

Try this...


function mm2pt($val){
    return floatval($val * 2.835016835017);

$xpdf = pdf_new();
pdf_begin_page($xpdf, mm2pt(210), mm2pt(297));

// ...


rz at daimi dot au dot dk (2005-05-28 13:47:53)

The DIN paper sizes below are rounded.
Theese functions returns exact paper sizes:

function paperheight($papername) {
$name) {
"dl": return 11/2.54*72;
"m65": return paperheight("c6");
"ledger": case "tabloid": return  17*72;
"legal": return paperwidth("ledger");
"letter": return 11*72;
  default: return 
paperwidth($papername) {
$name) {
"dl": return 22/2.54*72;
"m65": return paperwidth("c5");
"ledger": case "tabloid": return  14*72;
"legal": case "letter": return paperheight("ledger")>>1;
$i!=false && ($j>|| $j==="0"))
"Unkown paper format: $papername");

$paper "A4";
$w paperwidth($paper);
$h paperheight($paper);
"$paper$w ppt * $h ppt";

ceo at l-i-e dot com (2005-03-30 13:12:50)

I spent a lot of hours tweaking numbers in my PDF source, trying to nudge things the right way, and, invariably, really messing up big-time...

Then one day I realized that all these numbers were supposed to be (INCHES * 72).

Now my PDF code looks more like:
pdf_begin_page($pdf8.5 7211 72);
/* set up $helvetica as font */
$leading pdf_get_value($pdf'leading');
pdf_show_boxed($pdf0.5 720.5 724.0 72$leading'left''');

0.0, 0.0 is at the bottom left.
8.5 * 72, 11 * 72 is at the top right.
Everything in between is in x.xx * 72 where x.xx is INCHES.

Suddenly, I can visualize the PDF while I'm typing.

Might work for you too.

Sample linked from:

psychosos at gmx dot at (2003-04-13 05:36:28)

Points for CD covers (approximate values)
Front cover (119x119mm) => 337.33x337.33 points
Inlay including sides (150x117mm) => 425.21x331.66 points
Inlay excluding sides (137.4x117mm) => 389.49x331.66 points

ronald at upperground dot nl (2003-02-19 08:55:00)

f dot enzenhofer at apa dot at (2003-01-14 08:36:56)

format width height
A0 2380 3368
A1 1684 2380
A2 1190 1684
A3 842 1190
A4 595 842
A5 421 595
A6 297 421
B5 501 709
letter 612 792
legal 612 1008
ledger 1224 792
11x17 792 1224
