PDF 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PECL pdflib >= 1.0.0)

PDF_get_pdi_valueGet PDI numerical parameter [deprecated]


float PDF_get_pdi_value ( resource $p , string $key , int $doc , int $page , int $reserved )

Gets the contents of a PDI document parameter with numerical type.

This function is deprecated since PDFlib version 7, use PDF_pcos_get_number() instead.

PDF 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


gregors at rose-hulman dot edu (2003-06-13 14:11:36)

If you are having troubles getting the page count make sure you have Root caplitalized correctly.

(2003-05-09 14:16:22)

For keys which are not page-related page must be -1 (in PHP: 0).

ian dot kinnear at optus-ebiz dot com (2001-07-13 12:56:50)

From the pdflib manual...
key: Specifies the name of the parameter
doc: a valid PDF document handle retrieved with PDF_open_pdi()
page: A valid PDF page handle (not page number!). For keys which are not page-related page must be -1
