SSH2 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


(PECL ssh2 >= 0.9.0)

ssh2_tunnelOpen a tunnel through a remote server


resource ssh2_tunnel ( resource $session , string $host , int $port )

Open a socket stream to an arbitrary host/port by way of the currently connected SSH server.



An SSH connection link identifier, obtained from a call to ssh2_connect().





Example #1 Opening a tunnel to an arbitrary host


$tunnel ssh2_tunnel($connection''12345);


SSH2 函数
在线手册:中文  英文


tim dot wood at datawranglers dot com (2007-01-06 23:06:58)

The tunnel command doesn't seem to support ssh2_auth_password. For people trying to go from their own computer to a second box and then ssh one to a third box, here's an approach that works for me. YMMV and IMKYD.
// the relay box
$ip1 = '';
$user1 = 'usename';
$pswd1 = 'password';
// the destination box
$ip3 = '';
$user3 = 'usename';
$pswd3 = 'password';
// PART 1
// set up a basic ssh2 connection:
$connection = ssh2_connect($ip1, 22);
ssh2_auth_password($connection, $user1, $pswd1);
$shell = ssh2_shell($connection,"bash");
// PART 2
// Create a basic expect script to handle
// a simple ssh login and then passes the session back to the user
// remove any existing login expect script
$cmd = "rm -f login-via-ssh.expect";
fwrite($shell,$cmd . "\n");
// see discussion with other commands on sleep vs other options
sleep( 1 );
// echo does not like #!/usr/bin/expect ... so gawk it over
$cmd = "echo \"\" | gawk '{ print \"#\" \"!\" \"\/usr\/bin\/expect\" }' > login-via-ssh.expect";
fwrite($shell,$cmd . "\n");
// more bad sleep
sleep( 1 );
// Add in the rest of the expect script
$script = array(
'spawn ssh -l [lindex \$argv 1] [lindex \$argv 0]',
'expect \"password:\"',
'send \"[lindex \$argv 2]\r\"',
$append = '>>';
foreach( $script as $line ) {
$cmd = 'echo "'. $line . '" '.$append.' login-via-ssh.expect' . "\n";
sleep( 1 );
// Make it executable
$cmd = "chmod +x login-via-ssh.expect";
fwrite($shell,$cmd . "\n");
sleep( 1 );
// PART 3
// Get into the other server
// Pass an ip, username, password to the expect script
// The expect script happily logs the php script in.
// put together the command and execute it
$cmd = "./login-via-ssh.expect $ip3 $user3 $pswd3";
fwrite($shell,$cmd . "\n");
// A long bad sleep since ssh takes a while to respond
sleep( 15 );
while( $line = fgets( $shell, 4096 ) ) {
// flush the buffer
// do a test directory listing to show that we really got there
$cmd = "ls -alb /";
fwrite($shell,$cmd . "\n");
sleep( 1 );
while( $line = fgets( $shell, 4096 ) ) {
print $line;
Bingo... the php script is tunneled to the third box.
