(PECL imagick 2.0.0)
Imagick::clone — Makes an exact copy of the Imagick object
Makes an exact copy of the Imagick object.
This function has been DEPRECATED as of imagick 3.1.0 in favour of using the clone keyword.
Example #1 Imagick object cloning in different versions of imagick
// Cloning an Imagick object in imagick 2.x and 3.0:
$newImage = $image->clone();
// Cloning an Imagick object from 3.1.0 on:
$newImage = clone $image;
A copy of the Imagick object is returned.
DJ Mike (2011-07-21 18:50:54)
Create a banner with animated glowing text
$text = "DJ Mike";
$font = "lokicola.ttf";
$fontsize = 100;
$fontcolor = "#ffff88";
$file = "banner.gif"; # outfile
$glow_radius = 3;
# Three glow colors
$glow = array( "#ff0000", "#ff8800", "#ffff00" );
$delay = 15;
# moves text down
$offset = 12;
# make a black pallete
$pallete = new Imagick;
$pallete->newimage(375,140, "#000000");
# set pallet format to gif
# make a draw object with settings
$draw = new imagickdraw();
# clone pallete to make 3 blank frames
$frame_0 = $pallete->clone();
$frame_1 = $pallete->clone();
$frame_2 = $pallete->clone();
# put them in an array
$frames = array($frame_0, $frame_1, $frame_2);
# loop through frames, double glow radius each time, annotate
foreach( $frames as $frame)
# Loop through glow colors, annotate and blur
foreach( $glow as $color)
$frame->annotateImage ( $draw,0 ,$offset, 0, $text );
$frame->annotateImage ( $draw,0 ,$offset, 0, $text );
$frame->BlurImage( $glow_radius, $glow_radius );
# top layer of text over glow
# center annotate on top of offset annotates
$frame->annotateImage ( $draw,0 ,$offset, 0, $text );
# double glow radius for next loop
$glow_radius = $glow_radius*2;
# add frames
# slow it down a little
# write frames
$frame_0->writeimages( "$file", FALSE);
# write animation
$frame_0->writeimages( "$file", TRUE);
bryan (2008-08-13 11:58:30)
For making thumbnails. Try this:
$im = new Imagick("image.jpg");
waage (2008-01-30 03:00:48)
This is great to use to make thumbnails
$im = new Imagick("image.jpg");
$thumb = $im->clone();