PHP 支持 C 风格的前/后递增与递减运算符。
Note: 递增/递减运算符不影响布尔值。递减
的结果是 1。
例子 | 名称 | 效果 |
++$a | 前加 | $a 的值加一,然后返回 $a。 |
$a++ | 后加 | 返回 $a,然后将 $a 的值加一。 |
--$a | 前减 | $a 的值减一, 然后返回 $a。 |
$a-- | 后减 | 返回 $a,然后将 $a 的值减一。 |
echo "<h3>Postincrement</h3>";
$a = 5;
echo "Should be 5: " . $a++ . "<br />\n";
echo "Should be 6: " . $a . "<br />\n";
echo "<h3>Preincrement</h3>";
$a = 5;
echo "Should be 6: " . ++$a . "<br />\n";
echo "Should be 6: " . $a . "<br />\n";
echo "<h3>Postdecrement</h3>";
$a = 5;
echo "Should be 5: " . $a-- . "<br />\n";
echo "Should be 4: " . $a . "<br />\n";
echo "<h3>Predecrement</h3>";
$a = 5;
echo "Should be 4: " . --$a . "<br />\n";
echo "Should be 4: " . $a . "<br />\n";
在处理字符变量的算数运算时,PHP 沿袭了 Perl 的习惯,而非 C 的。例如,在 Perl 中 $a = 'Z'; $a++; 将把 $a 变成'AA',而在 C 中,a = 'Z'; a++; 将把 a 变成 '['('Z' 的 ASCII 值是 90,'[' 的 ASCII 值是 91)。注意字符变量只能递增,不能递减,并且只支持纯字母(a-z 和 A-Z)。递增/递减其他字符变量则无效,原字符串没有变化。
Example #1 涉及字符变量的算数运算
$i = 'W';
for ($n=0; $n<6; $n++) {
echo ++$i . "\n";
michiel ed thalent circle nl (2012-08-24 07:39:15)
If incrementing an uninitialized variable you will not get an E_NOTICE error. This may caused you to not find issue's like the visibility of a property.
class a {
private $foo = 1;
class b extends a {
public function inc() {
echo ++$this->foo;
$b = new b;
Will output 1 and not 2 (if $foo was accessible).
Also no notices are given.
hartmut at php dot net (2012-08-02 15:28:54)
Note that
$a="9D9"; var_dump(++$a); => string(3) "9E0"
but counting onwards from there
$a="9E0"; var_dump(++$a); => float(10)
this is due to "9E0" being interpreted as a string representation of the float constant 9E0 (or 9e0), and thus evalutes to 9 * 10^0 = 9 (in a float context)
johnnythan at nospam dot gmx dot com (2011-11-22 04:05:09)
If you have a trailing zero and use the increment, the trailing zero will not remain. Was at least unexpected for me at first, although it's logical if you think about it.
$start = '01';
print $start; //Outputs '2' not '02'
Brad Proctor (2010-11-06 20:51:21)
I ran some tests (on PHP 5.3.3) of my own and was surprised to find $i += 1 to be the fastest method of incrementing. Here are the methods fastest to slowest:
$i += 1;
$i = $i + 1;
dsbeam at gmail dot com (2009-08-31 15:35:24)
When using the ++ operator by itself on a variable, ++$var is faster than $var++ and uses slightly less memory (in my experiments). It would seem like this could be optimized in the language during runtime (if $var++ is the only thing in the whole statement, it could be treated as ++$var).
I conducted many tests (I believe to be fair), and here's one of the results:
$i++ took 8.47515535355 seconds and 2360 bytes
++$i took 7.80081486702 seconds and 2160 bytes
Here's my code. If anyone sees a bias in it, tell me. I conducted it many times, each time going through a loop one million iterations and doing each test 10 - 15 times (10 - 15 million uses of the ++ operator).
ini_set( 'MAX_EXEC_TIME', 120 );
ob_start( );
$num_tests = 10;
$startFirst = $startSecond = $endFirst = $endSecond = $startFirstMemory = $endFirstMemory = $startSecondMemory = $endSecondMemory = $someVal = 0;
$times = array( '$i++' => array( 'time' => 0, 'memory' => 0 ), '++$i' => array( 'total' => 0, 'memory' => 0 ) );
for( $j = 0; $j < $num_tests; ++$j )
for( $i = 0, $startFirstMemory = memory_get_usage( ), $startFirst = microtime( true ); $i < 10000000; $i++ ){ $someval = 2; }
$endFirstMemory = memory_get_usage( );
$endFirst = microtime( true );
for( $i = 0, $startSecondMemory = memory_get_usage( ), $startSecond = microtime( true ); $i < 10000000; ++$i ){ $someval = 2; }
$endSecondMemory = memory_get_usage( );
$endSecond = microtime( true );
$times[ '$i++' ][ $j ] = array( 'startTime' => $startFirst, 'endTime' => $endFirst, 'startMemory' => $startFirstMemory, 'endMemory' => $endFirstMemory );
$times[ '++$i' ][ $j ] = array( 'startTime' => $startSecond, 'endTime' => $endSecond, 'startMemory' => $startSecondMemory, 'endMemory' => $endSecondMemory );
for( $i = 0; $i < $num_tests; ++$i )
$times[ '$i++' ][ 'time' ] += ( $times[ '$i++' ][ $i ][ 'endTime' ] - $times[ '$i++' ][ $i ][ 'startTime' ] );
$times[ '++$i' ][ 'time' ] += ( $times[ '++$i' ][ $i ][ 'endTime' ] - $times[ '++$i' ][ $i ][ 'startTime' ] );
$times[ '$i++' ][ 'memory' ] += ( $times[ '$i++' ][ $i ][ 'endMemory' ] - $times[ '$i++' ][ $i ][ 'startMemory' ] );
$times[ '++$i' ][ 'memory' ] += ( $times[ '++$i' ][ $i ][ 'endMemory' ] - $times[ '++$i' ][ $i ][ 'startMemory' ] );
echo 'There were ' . $num_tests . ' tests conducted, here\'s the totals<br /><br />
$i++ took ' . $times[ '$i++' ][ 'time' ] . ' seconds and ' . $times[ '$i++' ][ 'memory' ] . ' bytes<br />
++$i took ' . $times[ '++$i' ][ 'time' ] . ' seconds and ' . $times[ '++$i' ][ 'memory' ] . ' bytes';
ob_end_flush( );
Try it yourself, ;)
sneskid at hotmail dot com (2009-08-07 15:49:23)
(related to what "Are Pedersen" wrote)
With arrays it can lead to much confusion if your index variable is altered on the right side of the = sign, either with ++|-- or even when passed to a function by reference..
Consider these (PHP 5):
$A[$a] = ++$a; // [1]=1
$B[++$b] = ++$b; // [1]=2
$C[$c+=0] = ++$c; // [0]=1
In 'A' you have to be aware that PHP evaluates $A[$a] last.
Yet in 'B' and 'C' PHP evaluates the index and saves it in a temporary variable.
You can always force PHP to evaluate a variable without explicitly storing it as a named variable first, with a simple "+=0" like in example 'C'.
Compared to 'A', 'C' gives the more logically expected result, when we expect evaluation occurs left to right.
PHP does evaluate left to right BUT it will attempt to cut down on temporary variables, which can lead to confusing results.
So just be aware and use either behavior to your advantage for the desired functionality.
cleong at letstalk dot com (2001-10-17 19:52:17)
Note that the ++ and -- don't convert a boolean to an int. The following code will loop forever.
function a($start_index) {
for($i = $start_index; $i < 10; $i++) echo "\$i = $i\n";
This behavior is, of course, very different from that in C. Had me pulling out my hair for a while.
fred at surleau dot com (2001-07-18 12:02:19)
Other samples :
$l="A"; $l++; -> $l="B"
$l="A0"; $l++; -> $l="A1"
$l="A9"; $l++; -> $l="B0"
$l="Z99"; $l++; -> $l="AA00"
$l="5Z9"; $l++; -> $l="6A0"
$l="9Z9"; $l++; -> $l="10A0"
$l="9z9"; $l++; -> $l="10a0"
$l="J85410"; $l++; -> $l="J85411"
$l="J99999"; $l++; -> $l="K00000"
$l="K00000"; $l++; -> $l="K00001"