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在线手册:中文  英文


trial dot message at gmail dot com (2012-08-28 09:25:25)

Since it appears there is no SMTP client available for Windows 7 client machines, this may save some new developers a bit of misery:
Try installing smtp4dev as a local "dummy" SMTP server. You can't actually send emails but it lets you check your code and config locally. It sasved me a lot of frustration.

David dot Kit dot Friedman at gmail dot com (2009-07-15 18:37:15)

If you are using SMTP authentication you can use the PEAR Mail package.

David dot Kit dot Friedman at gmail dot com (2009-07-14 12:01:03)

Just to add to the previous note -- if you are using windows and also SMTP authentication it is possible to get this to work by using the PEAR Mail package:
I do not believe the built in Mail function provides this.

alvaro at demogracia dot com (2008-11-11 01:12:59)

The sendmail binary requirement only applies to Unix-like platforms (e.g. Linux). In Windows you need to specify a mail server that accepts mail through a network connection. Find these lines in your php.ini file:
[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25
; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from =
