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VtSoftware; info_AT_vtsoftware_DOT_hu (2013-06-25 20:03:18)

Windows 7; 64bit
Download libmcrypt.dll:
Copy this downloaded file to "extension_dir" directory and restart server.
Works for me. :)

nsantana at NOSPAMS dot gmail dot com (2012-10-19 11:21:15)

Using PHP version "PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4" and Ubuntu 12.0.4 on Apache2...
Make sure you have mcrypt installed and active on your php5 install. Use "sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt" to install, that should sort the issue.

opensuse10 dot 3 at gmail dot com (2011-02-10 15:36:37)

On opensuse 11.3 64 bits

dork (2010-05-11 10:54:59)

On ubuntu 8 (hardy), the mcrypt library seems to be here.
So I just created mcrypt.ini in /etc/php5/conf.d and added this one liner.

biapar at redconsulting dot it (2010-05-03 02:10:13)

Under IIS 7.5 - Win2k8r2 you must copy libmcrypt.dll under C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP

erik at 321x dot com (2010-04-29 14:22:20)

With Windows 7 (64 bits) I needed to uncomment the mcrypt line as well, so:
And after that I've copied the libmcrypt.dll to c:\Windows.
Apache restart (with administrator rights of course) and there you go.

bobeck at lycos dot com (2010-01-06 06:32:41)

To make sure that mcrypt doesn't fail to load when
using Windows XP , Apache 2 and php 5, even if all the required procedure to install it has been accomplished already, copy libmcrypt.dll, which is normally in the php main directory, into the php\ext directory.

kmasaryk (2009-07-14 17:30:07)

Also on Ubuntu, make sure you actually have php5-mcrypt installed. You can install it with:
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
If you get any errors, you may need to enable the 'universe' repository, explained here:

Ilia (2009-06-03 07:00:45)

For Ubuntu Linux add a line:
to the file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
and restart network:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

AJP (2009-05-03 20:09:10)

(Relating to XAMPP Lite and MySQL)
PROBLEM (seen on MySQL admin page): cannot load mcrypt extension. please check your php configuration
SOLUTION: With XAMPP Lite 1.7.1 all I had to do was stop the server, edit D:\xampplite\php\php.ini and uncomment (remove the semicolon) the following line:
Elsewhere in the file is a line setting the path to the extension directory (i.e. where php_mycrypt.dll is located) -- search for extension_dir. It should look something like:
extension_dir = "\xampplite\php\ext\"
Obviously, adjust accordingly for your own drive and directory structure.

miroox-moo at yahoo dot co dot id (2009-03-18 01:42:35)

thanks to :
rskret at gmail dot com
01-Mar-2009 12:04
PROBLEM: cannot load mcrypt extension. please check your php configuration
this setting my experience for xampp :D
I do the same step but with a little modified
for the first, stop all xampp services, and then do this step :
copy file libmcrypt.dll from D:\xampplite\php\
to : C:\WINDOWS\system32
open these 2files below :
change this text :
(ie. remove ; )
Note :
Please adjust the directory location per your own installation.

rskret at gmail dot com (2009-02-28 16:04:34)

PROBLEM: cannot load mcrypt extension. please check your php configuration
I have done as suggested by the contributor before me and copied libmcrypt.dll from F:\wamp\bin\php\PHP52~1.8
to C:\WINDOWS\system32 . This did not work on it's own. I found other advice as follows and now mcrypt is working.
Go to F:\wamp\bin\php\PHP52~1.8\php.ini
change ;extension=php_mcrypt.dll
to extension=php_mcrypt.dll
(ie. remove ; )
now go to the following 2 files and do the same:
Please adjust the directory location per your own installation.

ch0wnag3 AT gmail DOT com (2008-07-21 14:16:35)

On Windows installations, for the dynamic extension (extension=php_mcrypt.dll) to load properly, you must copy libmcrypt.dll from your PHP root folder (e.g. C:\PHP) to the following location:
With this done, the dynamic extension will load up just fine.
