Migrating from PHP 5.1.x to PHP 5.2.x
在线手册:中文  英文

Backward Incompatible Changes

Although most existing PHP 5 code should work without changes, you should pay attention to the following backward incompatible changes:

Migrating from PHP 5.1.x to PHP 5.2.x
在线手册:中文  英文


goellerk at bucks dot edu (2010-06-07 14:20:15)

str_pad has been modified as well, to enforce UPPERCASE sensitivity on the pad_type declaration.
Optional argument pad_type can be STR_PAD_RIGHT, STR_PAD_LEFT, or STR_PAD_BOTH. If pad_type is not specified it is assumed to be STR_PAD_RIGHT.
If entered as:
$foo = 10;
$wrong = str_pad($foo, 4,'0',str_pad_left);
print "wrong is '$wrong'<br>";
$right = str_pad($foo,4,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
print "right is '$right'<br>";
wrong is ' '
right is ' 10'

Alexander Schuch (2010-02-04 06:42:56)

If the sole reason for having "abstract static methods" is to force the implementation of such a method in a child, consider using an interface for them. The abstract class implements the interface, and a child class extends the base class and defines the "abstract static methods".

interface I
static public function 

abstract class 
implements I
// more/other methods go here

extends C
static public function 
'I am f().';

jbarker at erepublic dot com (2008-02-21 18:44:19)

If any of your code relies on includes of URLS à la allow_url_fopen, be aware that a new directive (allow_url_include) has been added, and that it defaults to Off.

Tachy (2008-01-31 08:04:50)

echo "Result1: ".$rightstring1."<BR>";
echo "Result2: ".$rightstring2."<BR>";
Result1: 345
Result2: 12345
Result1: 345
Result2: <Empty>

php dot manual at frankkleine dot de (2007-11-10 04:17:46)

Between PHP 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 another backward incompatible change was introduced: parent classes now can not access private properties of child classes with get_object_vars(). See the following example:
class Bar {
public function dumpBar() {
class Foo extends Bar {
public $public = 'public';
protected $protected = 'protected';
private $private = 'private';
public function dump() {
$foo = new Foo();
The result with PHP < 5.2.4:
E:\php\tests>php get_object_vars.php
array(3) {
["public"] => string(6) "public"
["protected"] => string(9) "protected"
["private"] => string(7) "private"
array(3) {
["public"] => string(6) "public"
["protected"] => string(9) "protected"
["private"] => string(7) "private"
And the result with PHP >= 5.2.4:
E:\php-5.2.4-Win32>php ../php/tests/get_object_vars.php
array(3) {
["public"] => string(6) "public"
["protected"] => string(9) "protected"
["private"] => string(7) "private"
array(2) {
["public"] => string(6) "public"
["protected"] => string(9) "protected"
As you can see the private property is missing now when dumped from the parent class Bar.

Erik Osterman (2007-03-29 19:44:00)

It should be noted that if you provide a __toString method, you can cast the object to a string and use it as an array key (PHP 5.2.x).
e.g. $array[ (string)$myObject ] = 'foobar';
This is an alternative to using spl_object_hash.
