从 PHP 5.2.x 移植到 PHP 5.3.x
在线手册:中文  英文


尽管大多数现有的 PHP 5 代码无需改变就可以工作,但是请注意一些不向下兼容的变化:

以下关键词被保留,将不能被用作函数名, 类名等。

从 PHP 5.2.x 移植到 PHP 5.3.x
在线手册:中文  英文


Anonymous (2012-06-27 23:43:51)

Split() also does not work. You can use explode()

mahbub at mahbubblog dot com (2010-09-21 21:36:50)

If you're having the mysql connectivity problem for the short password format,there is a fix written by Mixu here

Boris 'borzakov' Ploujoux (2010-09-14 06:17:50)

For those who often use the short open tag notations <? ... ?> and mostly <?= $var ?> (useful for template files) instead of standard notation <?php ... ?> : be careful !

In 5.3 version, the setting directive of the first notation is not PHP_INI_ALL anymore but PHP_INI_PERDIR.
In other words, you can't enable the "short_open_tag" directive directly with ini_set() function anymore ; you'll now have to set it in php.ini or httpd.conf (if you have access to it), or per-dir with .htaccess files.

See : http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.short-open-tag

munaw at munaw dot com (2010-08-25 08:32:16)

Previous to PHP 5.3.0, the JPEG Support attribute was named JPG Support.
Be aware of this, in case you verify GD image support by this attribute!

mitek17 sobaka gmail.com (2010-04-14 11:42:17)

After php version > 5.2.9 flush() stopped working. As a result the output buffer will not be returned at all.

scott dot mcnaught at synergy8 dot com (2009-10-07 07:34:17)

fopen('/dev/stdin/') no longer works
use fopen('php://stdin') instead

Chris Bolt (2009-09-15 19:03:46)

call_user_func_array() no longer accepts null as a second parameter and calls the function. It now emits a warning and does not call the function.
