从 PHP 5.3.X 迁移到 PHP 5.4.X
在线手册:中文  英文


PHP 5.4.0 提供了丰富的新特性:

从 PHP 5.3.X 迁移到 PHP 5.4.X
在线手册:中文  英文


Anonymous (2013-03-21 13:41:24)

LDAP supports paged results. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-control-paged-result.php for details.

dave1010 at gmail dot com (2012-07-27 11:01:59)

As of PHP 5.4, the CLI (using readline) no longer dies on fatal errors (for example calling undefined functions).

Nick Garvey (2012-06-22 06:11:24)

'callable' was implemented as a typehint in 5.4

Anonymous (2011-10-22 08:50:30)

The keyword 'insteadof' is introduced with PHP 5.4 http://php.net/language.oop5.traits.php
