以 CGI 模式安装时
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如果不想把 PHP 嵌入到服务器端软件(如 Apache)作为一个模块安装的话,可以选择以 CGI 的模式安装。或者把 PHP 用于不同的 CGI 封装以便为代码创建安全的 chroot 和 setuid 环境。这种安装方式通常会把 PHP 的可执行文件安装到 web 服务器的 cgi-bin 目录。CERT 建议书 » CA-96.11 建议不要把任何的解释器放到 cgi-bin 目录。尽管 PHP 可以作为一个独立的解释器,但是它的设计使它可以防止下面类型的攻击:

以 CGI 模式安装时
在线手册:中文  英文


bill1 at nospam dot windhome dot com (2012-02-04 21:48:49)

Under possible attacks, there are attacks on the php file themselves. Some php viruses, (injecktor and variations) scan the visible directory tree for php and/or html files, then inject code (such as spam-ware to generate fraudulent page hits) into otherwise harmless and useful .php scripts. One way to block this is by using open_basedir to restrict the visible file system directories to directory tree(s) which do NOT contain any .php scripts. (see doc page "Description of core php.ini directives" Note under open_basedir to tighten open_basedir scope from /www/ which would contain .php scripts to /www/tmp/ which would protect any scripts in /www/ from modification.) If the php.ini is outside the open_basedir tree, than a malware php script has no way to alter the core web site files, even if it were succesfully uploaded via ftp or other mechanism. The damage done by the spam-ware may seem trivial, but as browsers and virus programs eventually recognize the spam-ware the web site becomes effectively completely blocked and un-browsable.
