一个非常安全的做法就是把 PHP 解释器放在 web 目录外的地方,比如说 /usr/local/bin。这样做唯一不便的地方就是必须在每一个包含 PHP 代码的文件的第一行加入如下语句:
在这种情况下,要使 PHP 能正确处理 PATH_INFO 和 PATH_TRANSLATED 等变量的话,在编译 PHP 解释器时必须加入 --enable-discard-path 参数。
mails dot php dot net-notes at gunter dot ohrner dot net (2011-07-22 04:53:09)
You can invoke the interpreter under Apache 2.2 running in Windows by associating the php file extension with the interpreter binary in the registry:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddHandler cgi-script .php
In the desired <Directory>-block, configure PHP CGI as follows:
Options +ExecCGI
## Use HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.cgi\Shell\ExecCGI\Command
## to determine CGI script interpreter
## ("c:\program files\php-5.2.17\php-cgi.exe").
## This key must be created manually.
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict
You need to disable cgi.force_redirect in this case, which should be safe from what I understand. You could probably simply use php.exe instead of php-cgi.exe, though I'd like to have this confirmed from someone else.
Andras Rokob <rokoba at bolyai dot elte dot hu> (2006-10-18 14:59:25)
You can avoid the need of using the shell-escaping (#! ...) in all your php scripts if you set the executable bit on them and exploit the binfmt_misc support of the Linux kernels.