Australia/ACT | Australia/Adelaide | Australia/Brisbane | Australia/Broken_Hill | Australia/Canberra |
Australia/Currie | Australia/Darwin | Australia/Eucla | Australia/Hobart | Australia/LHI |
Australia/Lindeman | Australia/Lord_Howe | Australia/Melbourne | Australia/North | Australia/NSW |
Australia/Perth | Australia/Queensland | Australia/South | Australia/Sydney | Australia/Tasmania |
Australia/Victoria | Australia/West | Australia/Yancowinna |
tmark dot ellison at gmail dot com (2012-02-11 08:22:41)
Note that Perth also does not have daylight saving since 2009 (and then only had it for 3 summers 2006-7 2007-8 and 2008-9).
t dot nospam dot jachimczak at gmail dot com (2012-01-15 14:57:17)
Brisbane does not observe Daylight Savings time in Australia, but has the same +10 UTC offset as Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne which may be useful for inserting the right timestamp if your server automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving.
rob at rndsoftware dot com dot au (2010-08-17 23:14:44)
Remember that Australia has Daylight Saving Times.
You can get all the info here: