在线手册:中文  英文

The tidy class

(PHP 5, PECL tidy >= 0.5.2)


An HTML node in an HTML file, as detected by tidy.


tidy {
/* 属性 */
string $errorBuffer;
/* 方法 */
tidyNode body ( void )
bool cleanRepair ( void )
__construct ([ string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path ]]]] )
bool diagnose ( void )
array getConfig ( void )
int getHtmlVer ( void )
mixed getOpt ( string $option )
string getOptDoc ( string $optname )
string getRelease ( void )
int getStatus ( void )
tidyNode head ( void )
tidyNode html ( void )
bool isXhtml ( void )
bool isXml ( void )
bool parseFile ( string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path = false ]]] )
bool parseString ( string $input [, mixed $config [, string $encoding ]] )
string repairFile ( string $filename [, mixed $config [, string $encoding [, bool $use_include_path = false ]]] )
string repairString ( string $data [, mixed $config [, string $encoding ]] )
tidyNode root ( void )

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在线手册:中文  英文