这些函数的行为受 php.ini 中的设置影响。
名字 | 默认 | 可修改范围 | 更新日志 |
session.save_path | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.name | "PHPSESSID" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.save_handler | "files" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.auto_start | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.gc_probability | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.gc_divisor | "100" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 4.3.2 起可用。 |
session.gc_maxlifetime | "1440" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.serialize_handler | "php" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.cookie_lifetime | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.cookie_path | "/" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.cookie_domain | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.cookie_secure | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 4.0.4 起有效。 |
session.cookie_httponly | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 5.2.0. 有效 |
session.use_cookies | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.use_only_cookies | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 4.3.0 起可用。 |
session.referer_check | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.entropy_file | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.entropy_length | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.cache_limiter | "nocache" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.cache_expire | "180" | PHP_INI_ALL | |
session.use_trans_sid | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | 在 PHP <= 4.2.3 是 PHP_INI_ALL,在 PHP < 5 是 PHP_INI_PERDIR。自 PHP 4.0.3 起可用。 |
session.bug_compat_42 | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 4.3.0 起可用。 |
session.bug_compat_warn | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 4.3.0 起可用。 |
session.hash_function | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 5.0.0 起可用。 |
session.hash_bits_per_character | "4" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 5.0.0 起可用。 |
url_rewriter.tags | "a=href,area=href,frame=src,form=,fieldset=" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 4.0.4 起可用。 |
session.upload_progress.enabled | "1" | PHP_INI_PERDIR | Available since PHP 5.4.0. |
session.upload_progress.cleanup | "1" | PHP_INI_PERDIR | Available since PHP 5.4.0. |
session.upload_progress.prefix | "upload_progress_" | PHP_INI_PERDIR | Available since PHP 5.4.0. |
session.upload_progress.name | "PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS" | PHP_INI_PERDIR | Available since PHP 5.4.0. |
session.upload_progress.freq | "1%" | PHP_INI_PERDIR | Available since PHP 5.4.0. |
session.upload_progress.min_freq | "1" | PHP_INI_PERDIR | Available since PHP 5.4.0. |
会话管理系统支持许多配置选项,可以在自己的 php.ini 文件中设定。这里只是个简短的概览。
此指令还有一个可选的 N 参数来决定会话文件分布的目录深度。例如,设定为 '5;/tmp' 将使创建的会话文件和路径类似于 /tmp/4/b/1/e/3/sess_4b1e384ad74619bd212e236e52a5a174If。要使用 N 参数,必须在使用前先创建好这些目录。在 ext/session 目录下有个小的 shell 脚本名叫 mod_files.sh 可以用来做这件事。此外注意如果使用了 N 参数并且 N 大于 0,那么将不会执行自动垃圾回收,更多信息见 php.ini。另外如果用了 N 参数,要确保将 session.save_path 的值用双引号 "quotes" 括起来,因为分隔符分号( ;)在 php.ini 中也是注释符号。
如果将此设定为一个全局可读的目录,例如 /tmp(默认值),服务器上的其他用户有可能通过该目录的文件列表破解会话。
Note: 在 PHP 4.3.6 之前,Windows 用户必须修改此选项以使用 PHP 的会话函数。必须指定一个合法路径,例如:c:/temp。
如果不同的脚本具有不同的 session.gc_maxlifetime 数值但是共享了同一个地方存储会话数据,则具有最小数值的脚本会清理数据。此情况下,与 session.save_path 一起使用本指令。
Note: 如果使用默认的基于文件的会话处理器,则文件系统必须保持跟踪访问时间(atime)。Windows FAT 文件系统不行,因此如果必须使用 FAT 文件系统或者其他不能跟踪 atime 的文件系统,那就不得不想别的办法来处理会话数据的垃圾回收。自 PHP 4.2.3 起用 mtime(修改时间)来代替了 atime。因此对于不能跟踪 atime 的文件系统也没问题了。
Note: 对于 PHP 4.1.2 或以下版本,可以通过加入 --enable-trans-sid 配置选项去编译来启用,从 PHP 4.2.0 起,trans-sid 特性总是被编译。 基于 URL 的会话管理比基于 cookie 的会话管理有更多安全风险。例如用户有可能通过 email 将一个包含有效的会话 ID 的 URL 发给他的朋友,或者用户总是有可能在收藏夹中存有一个包含会话 ID 的 URL 来以同样的会话 ID 去访问站点。
这是 PHP 5 引进的。
这是 PHP 5 引进的。
Note: 如果要符合 XHTML,去掉 form 项并在表单字段前后加上 <fieldset> 标记。
Note: It is highly recommended to keep this feature enabled.
The track_vars and register_globals configuration settings influence how the session variables get stored and restored.
Upload progress will not be registered unless session.upload_progress.enabled is enabled, and the $_POST[ini_get("session.upload_progress.name")] variable is set. See Session Upload Progress for mor details on this functionality.
track_vars 和 register_globals 配置选项影响到会话变量是怎样存储和恢复的。
自 PHP 4.0.3 起,track_vars 总是打开的。
jlevene at etisoftware dot com (2013-02-21 01:29:33)
Being unable to find an actual copy of mod_files.sh, and seeing lots of complaints/bug fix requests for it, here's one that works. It gets all its parameters from PHP.INI, so you don't have the opportunity to mess up:
# Creates directories for PHP session storage.
# Replaces the one that "comes with" PHP, which (a) doesn't always come with it
# and (b) doesn't work so great.
# This version takes no parameters, and uses the values in PHP.INI (if it
# can find it).
# Works in OS-X and CentOS (and probably all other) Linux.
# Feb '13 by Jeff Levene.
[[ $# -gt 0 ]] && echo "$0 requires NO command-line parameters.
It gets does whatever is called for in the PHP.INI file (if it can find it).
" && exit 1
# Find the PHP.INI file, if possible:
phpIni=/usr/local/lib/php.ini # Default PHP.INI location
[[ ! -f "$phpIni" ]] && phpIni=/etc/php.ini # Secondary location
[[ ! -f "$phpIni" ]] && phpIni= # Found it?
# Outputs the given (as $1) parameter from the PHP.INI file:
# The "empty" brackets have a SPACE and a TAB in them.
PhpConfigParam() {
[[ ! "$phpIni" ]] && return
# Get the line from the INI file:
varLine=`grep "^[ ]*$1[ ]*=" "$phpIni"`
# Extract the value:
value=`expr "$varLine" : ".*$1[ ]*=[ ]*['\"]*\([^'\"]*\)"`
echo "$value"
if [[ "$phpIni" ]]
savePath=`PhpConfigParam session.save_path`
# If there's a number and semicolon at the front, remove them:
dirDepth=`expr "$savePath" : '\([0-9]*\)'`
[[ "$dirDepth" ]] && savePath=`expr "$savePath" : '[0-9]*;\(.*\)'` || dirDepth=0
bits=`PhpConfigParam session.hash_bits_per_character`
case "x$bits" in
x) echo "hash_bits_per_character not defined. Not running." ; exit 2 ;;
x4) alphabet='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f' ;;
x5) alphabet='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v' ;;
x6) alphabet='0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v'
alphabet="$alphabet w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W"
alphabet="$alphabet X Y Z - ,"
*) echo "unrecognized hash_bits_per_character. Not running." ; exit 2 ;;
echo "Cannot find the PHP.INI file. Not running. Sorry."
exit 2
# The depth of directories to create is $1. 0 means just create the named
# directory. Directory to start with is $2.
# Used recursively, so variables must be "local".
doDir() {
local dir="$2"
if [[ -d "$dir" ]]
echo "Directory '$dir' already exists. No problem."
elif [[ -f "$dir" ]]
echo "FILE '$dir' exists. Aborting." ; exit 2
if mkdir "$dir"
echo "Directory '$dir' created."
echo "Cannot create directory '$dir'. Aborting." ; exit 2
chmod a+rwx "$dir"
if [[ $1 -gt 0 ]]
local depth=$(( $1 - 1 ))
for letter in $alphabet
do doDir $depth "$dir/$letter"
echo "Running with savePath='$savePath', dirDepth=$dirDepth, and bitsPerCharacter=$bits."
sleep 3
doDir $dirDepth "$savePath"
exit 0
hassankhodadadeh at NOSPAM dot gmail dot com (2012-03-20 17:42:42)
max value for "session.gc_maxlifetime" is 65535. values bigger than this may cause php session stops working.
AskApache (2010-11-10 22:00:19)
This is how I set my session.save_path
session.save_path = "1;/home/askapache/tmp/s"
So to create the folder structure you can use this compatible shell script, if you want to create with 777 permissions change the umask to 0000;
sh -o braceexpand -c "umask 0077;mkdir -p s/{0..9}/{a..z} s/{a..z}/{0..9}"
Then you can create a cronjob to clean the session folder by adding this to your crontab which deletes any session files older than an hour:
@daily find /home/askapache/tmp/s -type f -mmin +60 -exec rm -f {} \; &>/dev/null
That will create sessions in folder like:
I don't think any non-mega site will need to go more than 1 levels deep. Otherwise you create so many directories that it slows the performance gained by this.
orbill (2010-08-30 05:08:54)
apparently the default value for session.use_only_cookies has changed in 5.3.3 from 0 to 1. If you haven't set this in your php.ini or your code to 0 transparent sessions won't work.
Nicholas (2010-08-26 11:08:38)
Transient sessions do not appear to be working in 5.3.3
ini_set("session.use_cookies", 0);
ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", 1);
if (isset($_SESSION["foo"])) {
echo "Foo: " . $_SESSION["foo"];
} else {
$_SESSION["foo"] = "Bar";
echo "<a href=?" . session_name() . "=" . session_id() . ">Begin test</a>";
This works in 5.2.5, but not 5.3.3
Wouter (2010-05-19 03:14:35)
When setting the session.cookie_lifetime directive in a .htaccess use string format like;
php_value session.cookie_lifetime "123456"
and not
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 123456
Using a integer as stated above dit not work in my case (Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.5 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8g)
VIPSoft (2009-07-27 14:23:51)
session.auto_start should always be "Off".
session.auto_start=On is considered "wrong" by Zend_Session as it causes an E_NOTICE to be thrown when Zend_Session::start() is called (either directly or indirectly, e.g., through Zend_Session_Namespace).
mikaelkael at php dot net (2009-01-28 12:50:45)
Recently, I needed to change the session save_path in my program under Windows. With an ini_set('session.save_path', '../data/sessions'); (and session.gc_divisor = 1 for test), I always obtain 'Error #8 session_start(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(../data/sessions) failed: Result too large'.
I corrected this by changing with ini_set('session.save_path', realpath('../data/sessions'));
sony-santos at bol dot com dot br (2008-10-16 11:17:06)
In response to 00 at f00n, this very page explains:
"(...) if N is used and greater than 0 then automatic garbage collection will not be performed (...)"
So you can actually use custom save_path with automatic garbage collection, since you don't use the subdirectory option (that N subdirectory levels).
00 at f00n dot com (2008-06-25 06:36:22)
After having many problems with garbage collection not clearing my sessions I have resolved it through the following.
First I found this in the php.ini (not something i noticed as i use phpinfo(); to see my hosting ini).
; NOTE: If you are using the subdirectory option for storing session files
; (see session.save_path above), then garbage collection does *not*
; happen automatically. You will need to do your own garbage
; collection through a shell script, cron entry, or some other method. ; For example, the following script would is the equivalent of
; setting session.gc_maxlifetime to 1440 (1440 seconds = 24 minutes):
; cd /path/to/sessions; find -cmin +24 | xargs rm
With this is mind there are options.
1. dont use a custom save_path.
** This means if your isp hasnt defaulted your session temp to something safer than install default or you are using a shared directory for session data then you would be wise to use named sessions to keep your session from being viewable in other people's scripts. Creating a unique_id name for this is the common method. **
2. use your custom folder but write a garbage collection script.
3. use a custom handler and a database
phpforcharity dot 5 dot pistos at geoshell dot com (2008-06-24 06:05:58)
To get session IDs to show up in URIs, and not get stored via cookies, you must not only set session.use_cookies to 0, but also set session.use_trans_sid to 1. Otherwise, the session ID goes neither in a cookie nor in URIs!