此函数是该函数的别名: DateTime::add()
knyrii at gmail dot com (2011-07-12 09:45:41)
A function I use for fixing date ranges. Can also be used to create a new date by subtracting or adding days, months, or years. The resulting date will always be a valid date.
* Fixes the date so that it is valid. Can handle negative values. Great for creating date ranges.
* NOTE: Changes the passed variables' values.
* Ex. 2-29-2001 will become 3-1-2001
* 15-6-2011 will become 3-6-2012
* 3-0-2001 will become 2-28-2001
* -10-29-2002 will become 3-1-2001
* @param integer $month 0 values decrement a year and is set to 12.
* @param integer $day 0 values decrement a month and is set to the last day of that month.
* @param integer $year
* @param boolean $unix Optional. Default is true. Use UNIX date format
* @return string The resulting string
function date_fix_date(&$month,&$day,&$year,$unix=true){
while ($month>12){
$month-=12;//subtract a $year
$year++;//add a $year
} else if ($month<1){
while ($month<1){
$month +=12;//add a $year
$year--;//subtract a $year
if ($day>31){
while ($day>31){
if ($month==2){
if (is_leap_year($year)){//subtract a $month
} else{
$month++;//add a $month
} else if (date_hasThirtyOneDays($month)){
} else{
}//end while
while ($month>12){ //recheck $months
$month-=12;//subtract a $year
$year++;//add a $year
} else if ($day<1){
while ($day<1){
$month--;//subtract a $month
if ($month==2){
if (is_leap_year($year)){//add a $month
} else if (date_hasThirtyOneDays($month)){
} else{
}//end while
while ($month<1){//recheck $months
$month+=12;//add a $year
$year--;//subtract a $year
} else if ($month==2){
if (is_leap_year($year)&&$day>29){
} else if($day>28){
} else if (!date_hasThirtyOneDays($month)&&$day>30){
if ($year<1900) $year=1900;
if ($unix){
return "$year-$month-$day";
} else{
return "$month-$day-$year";
* Checks to see if the month has 31 days.
* @param integer $month
* @return boolean True if the month has 31 days
function date_hasThirtyOneDays($month){
//1234567 89012:1357 802
if ($month<8)
return $month%2==1;
return $month%2==0;
* Checks to see if the year is a leap year.
* @param integer $year
* @return boolean True if the year is a leap year
function is_leap_year($year){
return (0 ==$year%4&&0!=$year%100 || 0 ==$year%400);
lanlife4real (2010-01-10 03:19:19)
This function allows the addition of day(s),month(s),year(s) to the original date while still preserving the Hours, minutes and seconds
You can also modify to add to hours, miuntes and even seconds.
function add_date($givendate,$day=0,$mth=0,$yr=0) {
$cd = strtotime($givendate);
$newdate = date('Y-m-d h:i:s', mktime(date('h',$cd),
date('i',$cd), date('s',$cd), date('m',$cd)+$mth,
date('d',$cd)+$day, date('Y',$cd)+$yr));
return $newdate;
Hyun Woo Shin (2009-03-27 11:32:03)
Just add month(s) on the orginal date.
function add_date($orgDate,$mth){
$cd = strtotime($orgDate);
$retDAY = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$cd)+$mth,date('d',$cd),date('Y',$cd)));
return $retDAY;
raph (2008-09-09 14:37:52)
A little function to add 2 time lenghts. Enjoy !
function AddPlayTime ($oldPlayTime, $PlayTimeToAdd) {
$pieces = split(':', $oldPlayTime);
$pieces = split(':', $PlayTimeToAdd);
$str = $str.$minutes." minute ".$seconds." second" ;
$str = "01/01/2000 ".$oldPlayTime." am + ".$hours." hour ".$minutes." minute ".$seconds." second" ;
// Avant PHP 5.1.0, vous devez comparer avec -1, au lieu de false
if (($timestamp = strtotime($str)) === false) {
return false;
} else {
$sum=date('h:i:s', $timestamp);
$pieces = split(':', $sum);
return $sum;
if ($sum!=false) {
echo $firstTime." + ".$secondTime." === ".$sum;
else {
echo "failed";